Catalog Number: 5905141141627
Allium - Czosnek Eros 5 pcs
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in autumn season from 25 august
in spring season from 1 march
Allium likes sunny or partially sunny places.
They grow good on drained and rich in humus soils, deeply tilled and sufficiently moist.
Autumn cultivation of allium starts from September to November. The plant is hardy. Before winter the plants produce a strong root system and when warm days come they grow very quickly.
Plants require watering during periods of spring dried and systematic weeding. Allium needs mixed fertilization 2 or 3 times during intensive growth. After Bloosom, inflorescences should be cut off so they will not set seeds and the plant can use all alimentary compounds to build a new bulb.
Allium we dig when leaves is dry, we dry at 20 ° C. After leaves withered, bulbs are dug out, dried and stored in an airy place until the next planting.
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